It can be challenging for students to stay motivated, stick to a routine, or be productive over the summer holidays — especially after a long year of hard work — but planning a career-oriented activity can help students make the most out of their time off.
Get a summer job or internship
From an array of internship opportunities to versatile jobs in the retail, restaurant, or service industry, there are many options to choose from in the job market over the summer period. Depending on the student’s preference and lifestyle, either part-time or full-time job opportunities are a great way to develop structure and routine over the summer, in addition to gaining valuable experience and income.
If you’re looking for something more flexible and community-based, volunteering is the perfect way to use the time you have in the summer. There are a wide variety of opportunities and you can make your decision based on the fields or causes you are passionate about. This will not only leave you feeling productive but also allow you to contribute and be a part of a new community with connections that are separate from those on campus.
Reading is an underrated way to obtain knowledge and stay productive throughout the summer break. While being enjoyable and engaging, reading is also a great source for students to learn from — whether you’re reading for interest or related to your program of study. Diving into a book is truly one of the most versatile ways to stimulate your mind and you can do it from anywhere whether it’s the couch at home, the park, or even the beach. So, pick up a book and start reading.

Take on a personal project
Summer break is your opportunity to complete anything you didn’t have time for during the school year. Whether that’s a creative endeavour or a project based on personal growth — now is the time to start! Students will be able to enjoy the time taken for their personal projects while feeling a sense of achievement over their break.

For students who are passionate about making creative content with more flexible hours, freelancing is the way to go! Allocating some time throughout the summer holidays to create a portfolio, website, or social media presence can be useful for sharing your work, especially when trying to attract interest. Freelancing allows students to make extra money from something they are skilled in and passionate about.
As you gain more time on your hands during the summer break, it can be very easy to fall out of routine. Filling the time with activities and endeavours that you’re passionate about can help bring structure to your days and get you a step closer to achieving your non-academic goals.