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Youth Empowerment

See Different: A program to bring diversity, equity, and inclusion to young audiences

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In today’s world, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are more important than ever before. DEI is about recognizing and valuing differences, promoting fairness, and creating inclusive environments where everyone feels respected and valued, and educating and informing young people on the relevance of DEI is crucial for a better future.


The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) created See Different, an innovative program designed to promote DEI values in young audiences. Through a variety of interactive activities, discussions, and multimedia presentations, the program teaches young people about the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our society. By engaging with these topics in a meaningful way, students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to break down stereotypes and biases, reduce discrimination and prejudice, and promote inclusion in their schools and communities.

As humans, we learn stereotypes from a young age, and if they are not challenged, they can become fixed in our minds. By teaching students about different cultures, religions, and identities, we can help them understand that everyone is unique and deserves to be accepted and respected.

One of the key benefits of See Different is that it is designed to be accessible to all students, regardless of their background or previous experience with DEI issues. The program is free of charge, offered in English or French, and aimed at young audiences between the ages of 15-24 (based on the UN definition of youth).

See Different is composed of three elements:

  1. Principles of DEI Certificate (2 workshops)
  2. Emerging Leaders of DEI Certificate (3 workshops)
  3. National Youth Ambassador Network of Emerging Leaders of DEI

Our purpose is to inspire a generation of Canadian youth to become dedicated and compassionate leaders who understand and seek to address systemic barriers to inclusion in Canadian society.

If you are an educator or a parent, and know a school, university, or someone who is interested in learning about this program, please contact us: [email protected].

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