George Brown College degree programs offer the right blend of theoretical learning and real-world experience to help you succeed after graduation.
Our programs are highly responsive to industry needs and are developed in close consultation with our many partners across Toronto, Canada and the globe. Each year we update our programs to reflect emerging labour market needs and technological change.
Students start building their networks right away, including in class with faculty — many are dual professionals who teach and work in their industry. Thanks to our downtown Toronto location and strong connections to employers, we offer an exciting range of experiential learning opportunities so you can learn by doing in the heart of Canada’s largest city.
George Brown College offers 16 honours bachelor degrees and has other degree programs in development. Our programs cater to a wide range of students with many pathway opportunities available to recognize previous post-secondary education or work experience.
Entrance scholarships
The college offers Degree Entrance Scholarships for eligible students in their first semester. Entrance scholarships are renewable based on maintaining a grade point average of 3.7 (80 per cent). Learn more at

Degree programs:
B302 Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Services):
Co-designed with employers, this business degree prepares you to succeed in today’s financial services industry. After completion of the first year, students can choose to specialize in either accounting or financial planning.
B303 Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Analytics):
Learn how to turn complex data into actionable insights through this four-year degree program.
B304 Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Trades Management):
This program is offered in partnership with Algonquin College and Mohawk College to support skilled tradespeople in gaining the business skills to transition to management or run their own company.
B310 Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Supply Chain Management):
Learn how to analyze data, optimize operations and manage supply chain logistics.
B312 Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Digital Marketing):
Learn how to plan and implement engaging and personalized digital experiences for owned or social media.
Construction Management
T312 Honours Bachelor of Technology (Construction Management):
Ontario’s first internationally accredited four-year degree specializing in construction management, this program combines theory, applied research, field study, and practical training in business methods.
G301 Honours Bachelor of Digital Experience:
Research, create and test effective, human-centered designs for a range of digital applications.
G304 Honours Bachelor of Brand Design:
Gain crucial skills in collaboration, research, strategic thinking, technical design execution, and brand storytelling to succeed as a brand designer through this four-year program.
Early Childhood
C118 Early Childhood Education (Consecutive Diploma/Toronto Metropolitan University Bachelor’s Degree):
This four-year program leads to both an Early Childhood Education (ECE) diploma from George Brown and a Bachelor of Arts Early Childhood Studies degree from Toronto Metropolitan University.
C148 Early Childhood Education (Consecutive Diploma/ George Brown College Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership Degree):
This program offers many distinct advantages, including the ability to graduate with both an Early Childhood Education diploma and an Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership degree from George Brown.
C305 Early Childhood Education – Honours (Degree Completion):
Students with a previous two-year Early Childhood Education diploma can pursue an Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Education from George Brown College through this program. A part-time study option is also available.
Health Sciences
S118 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc.N):
This collaborative degree program has students complete their first two years at GBC and the final two years at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU). Graduates earn a TMU bachelor’s degree.
S302 Honours Bachelor of Behaviour Analysis:
This four-year degree program creates a comprehensive understanding of behavioural psychology and applied behaviour analysis (ABA).
S305 Honours Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene):
Ontario’s first degree-completion program for graduates of diploma and advanced diploma dental hygiene programs, this online program prepares students for oral public health care and advocacy, policy development, education and sales careers.
Hospitality and Culinary Arts
H311 Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality):
Prepare for managerial and supervisory roles within the exciting hospitality sector.
H315 Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Culinary Management):
Learn kitchen skills and business acumen to thrive in the ever-changing food and beverage industry. The only four-year degree of its kind in Canada.
H318 Honours Bachelor of Food Studies:
Combine culinary arts with a comprehensive food studies curriculum.
C302 Honours Bachelor of Interpretation (American Sign Language – English):
This first-of-its-kind-in-Canada program cultivates learners to become interpreters who are critical thinkers with unbiased communicative language and interpreting practices.
Get help planning for your future
Deciding where to pursue your post-secondary education is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. We can help! Visit us on campus to see our facilities and have your general questions answered, or connect with our Entry Advising service at for more personalized advice.
If you would like to pursue a degree but don’t meet the admission requirements, we offer academic upgrading and pre-program options to help you reach your goals.
Learn more at