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Post-Secondary Planning

Post-secondary: The Road Ahead

A group of students laughing
A group of students laughing

The Ontario School Counsellors Association equips educators, students and parents, with the necessary leadership and support in guidance and career education by offering up-to-date information about programs and opportunities.

The Ontario School Counsellors Association provides leadership and support in Guidance and Career Education for educators, students, and parents across Ontario. We partner with key stakeholders such as colleges, universities, other community organizations, and the Ministry of Education to provide up-to-date information about programs and opportunities that will assist students with decision-making regarding post-secondary education.

What’s right for me?

When considering post-secondary options, it is important for students to have the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and information that will allow them to make informed decisions. It’s never too early for students to explore what may be next for their education and working lives and the many opportunities waiting for them after graduating high school. Whether students follow an apprenticeship, college, community living, university, or workplace pathway, one thing is clear: the more students know about themselves, the better decisions they will make for their future

Understanding and utilizing our strengths, interests, and skills can go a long way in narrowing down what may seem like a daunting prospect of choosing a particular direction to follow after high school. Taking time to complete an Individual Pathways Plan through platforms such as myBlueprint or Career Cruising can help students become more aware of who they are. When we have an understanding of who we are, it helps us to consider what we want or even what we don’t want in our lives. Also, exploring what opportunities may be available within the school environment or the community can provide valuable, authentic experiences that help develop important work/life skills, increase independence, build confidence and enhance self-esteem. 

Experiences such as those found through co-operative education or Specialist High Skills Major, and engagement in interests, hobbies, or part-time work within the community at large, can help students consider who they want to become and what type of rewarding work they may be passionate about. Perhaps taking a gap year by volunteering, trying different kinds of work, or travelling is the right move, offering some valuable space and experience and helping to ensure that the time and money invested in post-secondary education aren’t wasted. 

What’s my plan?

Having goals for achieving things in our lives can help us to continually grow and develop into the best versions of ourselves. Along with the idea of setting personal, academic, and professional goals is the necessity of creating a plan to achieve them. Having a goal and plan that is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound (S.M.A.R.T. goals) provides a framework for us to make small, consistent gains toward the things we want to achieve. Also, sharing our goals and plans with a supportive network of those who care about us can provide the necessary encouragement, coaching and tools that assist us with accomplishing things that are important to us, allowing growth in all aspects of our lives. 

Students are encouraged to explore all of these considerations when looking ahead to the future and the many post-secondary opportunities that are waiting for them! To learn more visit

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