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Upskilling and Continuing Education

Reimagine Your Career with UCalgary

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Upskilling and reskilling help today’s workers stay relevant and competitive. Here’s how Continuing Education at University of Calgary helps bolster career success for learners of all ages.

Few people in the modern era complete a degree or diploma, work a career that spans the length of their adult lives, and retire to a comfortable pension at 65. For better or worse, those days have largely come and gone. But education leaders like the University of Calgary are keeping up with the demands of the new face of work. That’s where Continuing Education fits in.

We are now in the era of the “lifelong learning model,” where individuals who wish to stay competitive in their field must continuously upskill. Likewise, as many sectors undergo rapid shifts due to automation, the pandemic, and other world events, reskilling to enter a brand new field is becoming increasingly common.

Fortunately, the tradeoff for a relative lack of stability is a wealth of opportunity and a new kind of vocational freedom unique to the modern age. The reality of a shifting workplace model can be daunting, but with the right tools learners of any age can take advantage of the opportunities it affords.

We are now in the era of the “lifelong learning model,” where individuals who wish to stay competitive in their field must continuously upskill.


What’s the difference between upskilling and reskilling?

Upskilling refers to the continuous acquisition of new knowledge in your current field of practice, which helps you stay current and competitive, gain new insights informed by the latest industry-rooted knowledge, and even increase your chance of getting a promotion or salary bump. Reskilling is the process of learning a new skill set with the goal of changing careers. A new path may be closely related to one’s previous vocation, a fresh start in a new sector, or something in between. Institutions are adapting to meet the needs of adult learners, and in today’s world, there is no age limit for upskilling and reskilling.

Continuing education is invaluable for anyone looking to make a career change, but especially for individuals in unpredictable sectors, who would do well to be ready when opportunity knocks. If you are unemployed, underemployed in your current job, or plan to switch to a new field, the need to consciously design your future with the help of today’s flexible educational opportunities is more pressing than ever before.

Embarking on an educational journey as an adult is a concrete way to invite a new challenge into your life, increase your self-confidence, gain leadership qualities and skills, support your mental well-being, and feel the satisfaction of achievement. As many UCalgary certificate graduates would tell you, the extensive personal benefits of education are worth pursuing in their own right.

Industry-rooted education gives lifelong learners an edge

Continuing Education at the University of Calgary is fundamentally rooted in the demands of the workplace, emerging trends, and new technologies thanks to the industry-connectedness of its instructors. They are real-world experts in their fields, and bring valuable practical experience to the classroom.

“UCalgary does a great job choosing instructors,” says Karen Cunliffe, a graduate of several Continuing Education programs, including her recent completion of the Occupational Health and Safety Diploma. “They’re not just academically strong … they have strong business acumen and can share real-life stories that help students translate their learning into workplace scenarios.”

For continuing education, flexibility is key

UCalgary Continuing Education’s mandate is to offer a wide range of programs to individuals and organizations seeking opportunities for professional development and personal enrichment. To fulfil this mandate, it offers short-term, part-time, full-time, online, and in-class programming options designed to fit a wide range of lifestyle and scheduling needs. Whether you work full-time, are raising a family, or simply prefer distance learning for convenience’s sake, there’s an option for you.

Best of all, there’s no cumbersome application process, and no need to register for a certificate or program before enrolling. Just choose your course and enrol online.

A broad catalogue of courses for today’s workplace needs

A key driver in Continuing Education’s offerings is a breadth of courses for a wide variety of learners, each plugged into a specific industry need and designed for workplace advancement.

For example, students looking to enhance their leadership skills can enrol in courses like Change Management, Emerging Leaders, Front Line Leaders, and Professional Management. High-level professional communication is crucial for workers in virtually every sector, and programs like our Business Seminars and Professional Writing certificates will help you hone this crucial skill set.

As marketing evolves at a rapid pace with the development of new technologies, creative professionals are in increasing demand. In addition, the growing field of data science is tapping into new sectors every day.
With more than 50 Certificate, Diploma and Designation Programs UCalgary Continuing Education has something for you.

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