Dr. Bonnie Schmidt
President & Founder, Let’s Talk Science
Technological advancements are driving significant transformation in every field. According to the World Economic Forum, 65% of the children now entering primary school will ultimately work in a job that doesn’t exist today. In addition to the changing competencies required, attitudes toward career paths are changing. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills are inherently transferable and are critical for success in this rapidly-changing world. Yet, most students leave STEM studies early simply because they don’t understand where they can lead.
“It’s critical that children and youth remain curious, and learn to ask great questions, capable of challenging the status quo. Digital skills are also becoming the new ABCs, fundamental to jobs of the future,” says Dr. Bonnie Schmidt, President and Founder of Let’s Talk Science. Exposure to real careers and STEM role models helps youth rethink preconceived ideas about what a path in STEM looks like.
With this in mind, Let’s Talk Science has recently launched a dedicated career resources webpage to help students explore real career profiles from STEM role models. On its website, users can explore a diverse selection of career profiles, ranging from professionals like Iker Martin, New Product Development Lead at Amgen, to Danika Strecko, Manager of Ocean Literacy at Ocean Wise, to Allison Rumbolt, Helicopter Pilot at Cougars Helicopters Inc.
Students can explore career paths, advice from experts, and what motivated each individual to pursue a career in STEM.
Let’s Talk Science is collaborating with ChatterHigh to present a Canada-wide competition for career discovery. Explore careers, post-secondary options, the labour market, and health and financial literacy information for a chance to win a $25,000 cash prize pot!